Welcome to the HardeningKitty Interface


To use HardeningKitty service more easily, we have created an interface which permits better understanding Windows security policies. Also, this interface allows you to generate a CSV file for the purpose of auditing or applying a configuration.

How can i use it ?

How can i use HardeningKitty ?

  1. Download the HardeningKitty script here
  2. Import the ps1 script :
    Import-Module .\Invoke-HardeningKitty.ps1

How can i run HardeningKitty audit mode ?

  1. Download your CSV file configuration
  2. Run this command :
    Invoke-HardeningKitty -Mode Audit -FileFindingList <file.csv> 

How can i keep my previous configuration ?

  1. Download your CSV file configuration
  2. Run this command :
    Invoke-HardeningKitty -Mode Config -FileFindingList <file.csv> -Backup
  3. This command will save your configuration in the "RecommendedValue" Column in order to apply this file if you want to backup your previous configuration after having applied the HailMary mode.

How can i apply a configuration ?

  1. Download your CSV file configuration
  2. Run this command :
    Invoke-HardeningKitty -Mode HailMary -FileFindingList <file.csv>